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Campaign Anything to do with campaign mode | 2 years ago | |
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Bugs & Problems Found anything wrong with the game? | 67 days ago | |
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I am ready to support SForces, unfortunately I cannot transfer funds due to sanctions. But I will think of something.
Thanks a lot Rabid! And especially thanks back to you for being such a great patron and supporting the game constantly since 2017! Without you it would have closed a lot earlier. Only Henry's Cat comes (very) close to your record and generosity, and a lot of players owe you both a lot of thanks.
Sorry to hear this Steve! Whatever happens, a massive thanks for running it so well these past years.
Good game that! I was out of ammo and hoping to make it to the final turn. Well played!
Quite the game of cat-and-heavily-armed-mouse in its second half, that! It did seem like the only way I could break the deadlock was by taking an almighty risk: I had no idea whether you had sufficient ammo/APs to finish me off once I was out in the open...
To get down to raw figures, it costs me $234.36/year to run, made up of $27/year for the domain and $17.28/month for the server. In total, current Patreon's contribute $7/month = $84/year, leaving a shortfall of almost exactly $150/year.
what exactly is needed to keep the project going?
Of course, it would be remiss of me not to pass on my thanks to all those who are currently contributing to the running of Stellar Forces. In no particular order:-
* Henry's Cat / Le Chat de Henri
* Rabid
* Robsraiders
* Chris1977
So much thanks to you for helping keep Stellar Forces going for as long as it has. Without you, it would have closed years ago!
Do you guys want me to set up Alien Containment again (same sides)? According to the mission description, the only side that should be destroying computers is Marsec; the Rebels are defending them and the Aliens are simply trying to get the hell out (move to the edge of the map and select Escape). So another side destroying computers meant that Marsec won by default.
If I don't hear back by Monday I'll set up the next three-player mission.
Hi all,
After some deliberation, I'm afraid I may have to close down Stellar Forces. It will be a massive shame as it's been running for over 15 years now and I've really enjoyed it as I hope others have too. Without wanting to go into details, my financial circumstances have changed. Nothing major, but it's getting very hard for me to justify the cost of running the game without cutting back other household outgoings. I don't want to sound mercenary, but unless I can bring in enough donations to cover the costs, I'll probably have to close it down in a couple of months.
If it does have to close, let it be known that it's been a great adventure, and I never thought it would last this long. It was always my dream to run my own online game, and you could argue it has outlasted a lot other games which had far more resources and money behind them. I've had some amazing exciting games and chatted to some great people. It's gone through many changes, some big, some small, but it's always managed to keep going thanks to the you, the hundreds of players who've come and gone. And if the worst does come to the worst, maybe one day it will start up again.
Thanks all,
@mirkiov, you're not supposed to be destroying the computers yourself! You've just handed me 75% of the victory points I need for a win...
I'm in two minds about whether making the walls stronger would male things easier or harder. Maybe someone else has a view on this...
Sorry, you're right. I missed the "-3 Player", and I was looking at the standard Alien Hordes! You're also correct about the alien blood; it doesn't affect weak walls.
Let me know if you want me to change any settings to see if it improves the mission.
The walls are set to "weak" according to the description, but none of them ever appeared to be destroyed. Come to think of it, though, the only explosions were caused by Aliens snuffing it, so are walls of any strength immune to explosions of this kind?
Hi Chris, thanks for pointing out any errors. However, I've had a look, and this doesn't seem to be the case? To clarify, there are 3 levels of wall strength - indestructible, strong (where a grenade etc.. will only destroy one layer of wall) and weak, where a grenade will destroy all walls within its vicinity. The walls in Alien Hordes are set to "strong".
Was there a case of a grenade exploding but not destroying any walls in this game? If so, I'll have a look into it.
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