Note that there is a tradition of there being a problem when the first players join a new campaign; hopefully this has been eradicated, but let me know if anything seems a bit awry.
Steve, could you please fix the campaign map? Issues are the following: - There are no four corners. - Not all the corners are accessible. - There is no route for all the sectors.
Hokunda, why haven't you asked for help? I did when I was trying to hold off attacks when I was alone. Peter came to my rescue. You should asked have asked for back up before on the forum.
JOIN Hokunda. New guys gets involved in the campaign and join Hokuunda now!
I still think the allocation of campaign members is not right. How can globex have 1 member, and metalix have 5 members. This still needs to be looked at steve. Hokunda is doing a sterling job though
For me it is acceptable solution if you maximize the number of sectors attacked. Normally it is ok to have 3 concurrent games. A game takes 3 hours to 3 days depending on the player's availability and the size of the map. I suggest to implement the following attack constraints additionally to the ones we have now: - No new attacks are allowed against a faction where the factions members have active games in a defending position and the number of concurrent defending games are >= 3 * number of faction members. - Attacking a faction is not allowed if the number of sectors that are under attack, but still not played are >= 3 * number of faction members. - An attack against a faction is always allowed if the player neither has an ongoing game in an attacking position with that faction nor he has an active attack against a faction. - A player that has not played any campaign games in the last 10 days does not count as a player. Active non played attacks does not count. - A player cannot initiate any attack if the number of accepted games in defending position are >= 5.
An idea to have more fun: - A sector with capture delay counter 0 day is possible to be defended by any factions even if the faction has no adjacent sectors. Attacking faction is excluded from defending. It is a kind of sector robbery.
The allocation of players to a side is based on the total league points of all the members. Previously it was based on the number of sectors, and previously to that it was random. And previously to that it was based on number of players in each faction. It seems there's never a perfect solution.
I reckon each faction should just get a new member in turn regardless of position or any other factors. This would avoid having factions with only 1 player. If there are 8 players then each faction obviously gets 2 players each. If there is an odd number then yes some factions will have an extra player but that has got to be better than Hokunda's lonesome postion. The worse thing with my idea is that a faction may get only new players only and not last long. But are new players really that bad these days? On a good day I am quite a sharp player but on a bad one I am worse than new player. I did lose over 10 campaign games in a row, remember Outhouses? Became a bloody cursed mission joke!
I think what I'll do is add players to the faction with the least players until they all have at least 2, and then base it on league points. And maybe also prevent no single faction having more than twice the number of players as another.