Game 164 (moonbase assault 2) tstamper has killed all of my units but I'm still being told to take my turn. When I run the client (1.07) I get the following error:
Error on Tue Apr 06 15:21:21 BST 2010 Type: class java.lang.NullPointerException No message. Stack trace: dsr.AppletMain:1540 - selectOurUnit dsr.AppletMain:681 - startMainGame dsr.AppletMain:268 - update - start dsr.start.StartupNew:228 - gameSelected dsr.start.StartupNew:167 - selectGame dsr.start.StartupNew:129 - <init> dsr.start.StartupNew:234 - main End of error details.
Thanks for letting me know. It looks like a small problem I added when changing the game to cater for 3-player games, in that I stopped checking for when all the units on a side were dead. It's fixed now (though I'm afraid you've now officially lost ;) ).
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]