Mazhat in Globex, our faction, has no current games and hasn't logged onto the site for quite a while. I think he should be kicked from our faction right now. Maybe a kicked player could be allowed to rejoin the Campaign after a cooling off peroid? But not to join Globex second time around.
I did think that the new rule was that they had to have played 20 games. Or was it 20 wins? Either way, all members should be excluded until then in all factions.
Xeno, it was 20 wins. Steve, this time it doesn't affect our troops but in the last campaign it was a pain in the derrire as we were penalised. 40 troops meant 10 troops less each. So Xeno and I were 20 troops down and were carrying an inactive player. It is also just depressing having a lazy can't be bothered on the team. Like the useless ones on Bear Gryl's Island sitting around on their backsides all day listlessly talking about cheese burgers instead of doing something.
Yes when you are fully active in a campaign it is galling having a faction member who only plays occasionally from week to week or disappears for weeks on end. The campaign needs to be for serious players that can commit to at least playing several days a week throughout the 3 month campaign.
Sorry to the campaigners for my recent absence, especially to FoN as we had 3 games which I was unable to finish. I've been on holiday, moving house, now my wife has a possible neurological illness which is causing her muscle weakness and tiredness. So I've been pretty up against it really,though not as much as my wife. However, I'll play the odd game still since I'm getting back to work today ??, albeit on reduced hours.
Posted by Henry's Cat 7 years ago [Login to reply]
Sorry to hear about your wife HC. I hope her health picks up soon. Play games as a distraction but don't worry about them. All the best. P
Hi HC, hope things aren't too difficult. One of my family members has something that sounds vaguely similar; always tired, no energy. It was very hard for the hospital to actually identify the cause, but fingers crossed they will get better.
Hey HC, no need to apologise at all. Just play for fun and as a distraction. There are more important things in life. Hope everything gets a positive result for your wife. I feel bad for cancelling the games. Just I'm that competitive sort and was trying to get the campaign done and dusted and get a new one started. Please feel free to join any game. I won't force cancel on you. You are a tough opponent and I always enjoy playing against you.
All the best for all of you in life. I hope you and your relatives recover quickly. I was not very motivated to play lately and lost many games. My faction members could face the shrinking territory. I try to get over this and become a valuable member again.
Thanks chaps, I appreciate your kind words. We'll find out a bit more from the specialist Dr this week and have to evaluate the treatment options. I'll pop on now and again for the odd game with you fine fellows.
Posted by Henry's Cat 7 years ago [Login to reply]