What do people think of the Underground Colony mission? IMHO it's pretty good, but I might reduce the map size a bit since it did seem to be a bit of a slog at the end.
Definitely keep this map size for this mission. But I agree with Xeno that new mission designs would be great to try. A smaller map but also another large mission map with caves or sections/areas already missing would be great.
By the way Steve I think this Underground mission you've hit on is a really great idea that is seriously worth developing further in many more missions.
Large map was ok on my phone and it's 4 years old. Glad you like the cave idea, I think Colony Rescue from the mines would be an apt mission title. In this version I would like the walls still being able to be nibbled! To answer the last suggestion I made I reckon that there is so much milage in the underground concept you could let your creavity loose with it. We could really play around with the various map designs and combine mission elements from other normal missions. A version with solid walls with tunnels, caves, caverns and walls within open slaces would work but what would the engineers nibble unlesss solid and dismantle wallls can be arranged? Another Colony idea could be a Meltdown version. So you have the large underground map with CPU's dotted about with unknown timings. It would give an uncertain element to the game. To try and dismantle the ones threatening your own neighbourhood or send in clones to defend one near an enemy base/territory. Another version with higher credits would mean more explosives weapons at the beginning which would shrink the map quickly. Last one for now, a slowly flooding cave/tunnel system much like the flood mission might put the pressure on. I suppose I like the idea of the situation and environment to be more prominent component in the mission than just a purely abstract game strategy.
Hey Steve, do you realise some of the small colony maps are right up against the wall but only on one or two sides. I think it gives some side an advantage.
I noticed that after I'd created this game. All future games will have the correct perimeter, but I'm afraid this game won't (and the other one that got created soon after it).