Game 52840: RABID, xeno, free palestine., petermock in 'Underground Capture the Flag'
You are here: Stellar Forces > Your Games > Game 52840: RABID, xeno, free palestine., petermock in 'Underground Capture the Flag'
- I am writing on behalf of my forward clone unit, he's in the middle of an exploded incendiary grenade, no medi bays are near by. The nearest engineer is too far away to help by building one. He's going to burn to death, the aggressive offensive use of the incendiary grenade is still relevant, effective and deadly.
Posted by
petermock 1 years ago [Login to reply]
- I built one, yep he died on the predicted.
Posted by
petermock 1 years ago [Login to reply]
- Clones are small fry. Engineers are the ones that will test it. The big fish. Anyway, a constructive debate has to look at the pros and cons, can't just have only "positive" comments allowed. This change is here to stay, I'm not naive, and that's fine, I'm not fully on board with it, I won't apologise for that, but I'm not completely against it either; a shade of grey let's say. I won't post anymore as we are just going back and forth and it doesn't change anything. Good luck, all the best.
Posted by
xeno 1 years ago [Login to reply]
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