I was thinking about increasing the points for killing an enemy unit (and the points lost for killing a friendly unit) as this will stop players hiding a high-ranking unit just for it to get the points when the mission is won by the other lowly units. Any thoughts?
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]
I'm not sure. I quite like the balance now. I think the most important factor should be trying to win the mission, not necessarily inflicting kills to your opponent. Points for a win should be more than points for a kill in my opinion.
3 points for killing a unit and to balance it a 3 point penalty for killing your own unit is sufficient I think.
As for hiding high ranking units - well I said before that it's kind of natural that a commander might chose to stay back while he sends the lowly troops off to do the dirty work. It kind of makes hunting out your opponets high rankers like a mini Assassins sub plot in every mission which I kind of like. As well as that, players are kind of handicaping themselves if they choose to sit back with their best units (due to stat increase from promotion) - if they choose not to risk these units that's their choice, it will weaken their squad without them. The more high rankers you opt to try to protect the weaker your squad will be and the less chance you will have of winning. I think it's a nice balance. :)
You put forward a good argument that I can't disagree with. I like the idea of a player wondering whether or not to risk their high-ranking units in order to win a mission.
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]