Just a thought about campaign missions that usually end up as carnages. What's to stop a player in The Assassins mission using the old "rocket launcher the building to oblivion" tactic? They may not win, but they'll probably kill most of their opponents campaign units in the process!
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]
Yeah I think the Campaign missions need to be carefully selected. Certain missions put your units at a much greater risk than certain other missions do. But I suppose you could say that it's down to the players to work out which missions they think will be most beneficial for their squad to take part in.
Which missions are currently available in the Campaign mode?
Ideally I'd like to see all of the campaign missions specially designed or modified for the Campaign mode. I'd be happy to either partially or fully take on this job if you like. I don't think it's a difficult as it sounds - for example:
1. The Assassins - make the building larger to accomodate 8 vs 8+1, and so that it's harder to wipe out large parts of it with just a couple of rockets.
2. Moonbase Assault - add more computers to the base so that it's easier for the attackers to get to them, but also harder to defend - but help the defenders out by including a strick turn limit in which the attackers must destroy a certain number of computers before the defenders win.
3. A Tale of Two Bases - slightly more tricky this one, but somehow I think we should edit the map to make it easier to destroy the computer(s) without a huge fight in which most of the units die. Somehow make it more vulnerable and harder to defend.
Escort 2 is fine as it is I think, as well as the Hit & Run missions which were purposely designed for the Campaign. I have some other misisons in mind specifically for the Campaign which I haven't got around to working on just yet. The Hit & Run mission could be duplicated on various different maps. One of my other ideas is a "Capture & Defend (the Flags)" mission in which both sides have a set number of flags (maybe 8 dotted around their side of the map?) which they must defend, while at the same time attempting to capture one of their opponents flags. The first side to capture one of their opponents flags and bring it back to their side of the map wins.
Your Capture & Defend (the Flags) sounds like a good idea. Could we use this idea for the current Capture the Flag mission. I always find this a very short mission as the only tactic is rushing for the flag and then rushing back with maybe a little conflict in the middle (and if you dont use this tactic the other player will have an easy win). I think it would make a more interesting mission if you had to capture and hold the flag until the end of turns. Whoever is holding the flag at the end wins, if neither side is carrying the flag at the end it would be a draw. Another option would be to get the flag to your side of the map (or selected area) and hold it there until the end.
I'd like to suggest a second alternative for capture the flag: To get it off the board, you have to carry the flag through the other team, to the side opposite the one you started on. Sort of like Rugby.
Both of your ideas (monkey & kael) sound good to me. I do quite like the existing mission, but there is no reason why we can't create some more variations of it.
At the moment, the following missions are available in campaign mode: The Assassins (2 & 3 player), Moonbase Assault (2, 3 & 4 player), Assassins Outhouse, Rescue from the Mines, Breakout, 3/4-player Escape, ATOTB, Defend the Base, Moonbase Assault 2, Escort 2, Lab Attack, Meltdown, The Exterminators, and Capture the Flag. Phew!
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]
I think you've hit on the best idea when you say that there should be special campaign versions of the missions. And I'd be very grateful if you took this job on! :)
Regarding yoiur missions notes, I think it would be a brave man who took on the role of the fugitives as all it would take is one lucky shot and a lot of good units could be lost. Having said that, maybe it's a good mission when you've got all new recruits. As for the other two, I think with those two missions then at least the players can choose to keep out of the action if they so wish, but I'm more than happy for any new versions. And your other mission ideas sound good, especially the "Defend the Flag". I look forward to seeing them!
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]
I particularly like Kael's idea. The CTF mission definitely needs changing as I've noticed in the stats that side 1 has won 90% of the time, presumably because they have the advantage of going first. I'm going to change it so that a player has to get it to the opposite side of the map.
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]
Thanks. :) I was sort of forgetting that you've modified the Campaign to allow for missions which have more than 8 units per side. That's good. Do missions which originally required less than 8 units (such as Assassins) use the original number, or now use 8? Either way I'll go ahead and attempt to create a modified version.
I've now done the ATOTB mission too. I think the Meltdown map is fine as it is, but I would reccomend you change the winning conditions so that side 1 only need to destroy 3 of the computers instead of 4, and counter balance that by reducing the turns from 25 to 15.
I'm tempted to say I would drop Assassins-3 Player, Rescue from the Mines, Moonbase Assault 2, Lab Attack and The Exterminators from the Campaign mode. At least for now.
Assassins Outhouses definitely needs some serious rebalancing but has potential to be good. I need to take a closer look at Breakout, Defend the Base and Capture the Flag.
And feel free (anyone) to disagree with anything I'm saying - I'm just trying to give an opinion. :)
The missions will always use the same number of units as per the original. I've tweaked it so that a player will always have at least 8 units, but of more are required then they are added when the mission is accepted.
Posted by SteveSmith 14 years ago [Login to reply]