I've been working in my secret underground bunker and have finally finished the first pre-alpha ultra-rough first-version of the PC client for Stellar Forces. It's basically the code from the Android app but with all the Android-specific stuff replaced.
Thank you for the PC client. Unfortunately I cannot login with the PC client. The login screen does not understand control keys. It takes shift, Alt-Gr, ctrl-v as a typed character and filters out tab and enter. There is no cursor. Right now it is impossible to type my email address in the login field.
Thanks for the feedback, that never occurred to me. (BTW, you can use your login name instead of your email address). I'll make the change and release a new version.
This is really good news, i'll give the PC client a try this very week
Posted by Trollmineitor 7 years ago [Login to reply]
Thanks. Once I'm sure it's ready for public consumption, I'll be officially releasing it and post about it to as many relevant forums as I can find on the internet.
I'll just post this here since it's not mentioned in the PC game:-
KEYS: N - Next unit P - Prev Unit S - Scanner 1-9 - Select unit W - Move unit forwards Q/E - Turn unit left or right A/D - Strafe left/right X - Move backwards
I've just released a new new version of the client. This one doesn't require you have Java or anything installed; it should work for anyone with Windows.
Just downloaded and try to execute the .exe, got an error from Wine, "invalid exe format in %1", tomorrow ill try in somebody elses PC with Windows 6+1
Posted by Trollmineitor 7 years ago [Login to reply]
I'm guessing that's something to do with 32/64 bit, which I didn't foresee. The version I released is 64bit - was your computer 32 bit? I've no experience with Wine to know if that makes a difference. There's also the jar of course.
Posted by Trollmineitor 7 years ago [Login to reply]
Interesting enough, i couldn't download the zip file from Google Drive with Chrome on Linux, got "network errors" not present when downloading with Firefox.
Posted by Trollmineitor 7 years ago [Login to reply]
I've just tried the 32-bit version myself and it works fine. I'm guessing the problems you seem to be having are localised on your computer. :)
I'm sure it works, Steve, but currently i do not own any Windows operating system licence and as i refuse piracy because it is evil i have no choice but running Linux. Android is OK, it is a nice Linux distribution, but it is very limited to protect the average user against the greatest danger of all in the digital world, himself, so it would be very interesting for me to find a way to run SF under a decent Linux, that way it would not be necessary for me to reboot the computer two times to make my SF moves. Please do not pay any attention to my issues, i just post all these comments just in case any other player who is also a Linux user could find them useful.
Posted by Trollmineitor 7 years ago [Login to reply]
I see, no problem. I'll keep the jar available as that works.