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Game 54052: xeno, SammuS, RABID in 'Alien Containment'

I'll just attack unarmed for a laugh.
Posted by xeno 1 days ago

Game 54044: Drigert, xeno, +BEAR+, Spacenaut in 'Escort 2v2'

Yeah ballsed up there. I was hoping to tuck him inside but ran out of APs. Should have moved him second rather than third as there was no space for him after moving the other two. Novice mistake. Hoped the opponents wouldn't move so quickly forward or would miss their shots, but three shots out of three from the same unit all hit.
Posted by xeno 2 days ago

Game 54052: xeno, SammuS, RABID in 'Alien Containment'

This game needs cancelling. I had equipped all my units late last night and pressed finished to go to the deployment phase but it seemed to freeze up. Tried again but same thing, just kept saying saving but didn't move beyond that. I've just come back to it now from the other night and it has gone through to the deployment phase yet they all have no weapons, so clearly it didn't save.
Posted by xeno 2 days ago

Game 54044: Drigert, xeno, +BEAR+, Spacenaut in 'Escort 2v2'

Lol when I saw Sterner at the top edge of the map, I was thinking it's highly likely to be over ??
Posted by Spacenaut 2 days ago

Game 54042: Rost310, +BEAR+ in 'The Assassins'

Posted by +BEAR+ 6 days ago

Game 54025: Chris1977, Drigert in 'Reanimator'

Always at your service gentlemen
Posted by Drigert 8 days ago

Game 54009: Chris1977, Drigert in 'Reanimator'

Dammit, I should have taken a chance on my "sentry" a turn or two sooner! Never mind...rematch, swapped sides...?
Posted by Chris1977 10 days ago

Server Update

That's done. it was a heck of a lot quicker than I expected, just a few minutes.
Posted by SteveSmith 10 days ago

Server Update

I'll be updating the OS of the Stellar Forces server tomorrow, for the first time in a few years. Hopefully it will go okay, but SF will probably be down for a bit of time.
Posted by SteveSmith 11 days ago

Game 53806: SteveSmith, Nanoknight in 'Moonbase Assault'

Well played. I didn't know where you were most of the time, so I didn't know where to attack lol
Posted by SteveSmith 13 days ago

Grenade underthrow

Unfortunately that's par for the course for Android. There's so many different types it's next to impossible to guarantee something will work exactly the same on all devices, and nop way for mne to fix it without having the actual device. It least it works on something though!
Posted by SteveSmith 13 days ago

Game 53973: +BEAR+, xeno, Drigert, petermock in 'Assassinate (Campaign) 2v2'

Looks like that was quite a gun battle at the end there. Sterner was having a picnic though. :)
Posted by xeno 14 days ago

Game 53973: +BEAR+, xeno, Drigert, petermock in 'Assassinate (Campaign) 2v2'

Where is he? Ah...there he is! I thought this could go on a long time. Close shoot out Drigert.
Posted by petermock 14 days ago

Grenade underthrow

Good to be back :D Missed me some tactical turn based strategy hehe. Btw when I start the Android app and get to the login form, the virtual touch keyboard gets offset to the right and no input event happens in any of the keys, that's on Adnroid 12 BV9200 using the default Google Keyboard, Just tried with yandex keyboard and now it worked fine lol, weird.
Posted by Spacenaut 14 days ago

Game 53806: SteveSmith, Nanoknight in 'Moonbase Assault'

Lol I was expecting a counter attack so many times but nothing xD In the end it turned to the nitty gritty fighting, classic Moonbase Assault :D I should've taken more nades with me haha
Posted by Nanoknight 14 days ago

Grenade underthrow

Welcome back Spacenaut!!
Posted by RABID 15 days ago

Game 53939: Dijon_p, xeno, petermock, Chris1977 in 'Underground Capture the Flag'

Well done, Dijon - you seemed to have a cast-iron plan from the outset! By contrast, after a while my sole preoccupation became attempting to save face by making sure I still had some skin left in the game (which I still did have at the very end...just...!)
Posted by Chris1977 15 days ago

New Client Releases [Sticky]

I've just submitted a new version of Stellar Forces to Google, which (assuming it passes) will be released sometime in the next week. There's no game changes, it's just Google insisting that all apps target the latest Android libraries. Let me know if anyone has any issues.
Posted by SteveSmith 16 days ago

Grenade underthrow

Sure! You can send it to the e-mail of my current account, was thinking on asking about it before making a new one lol
Posted by Nanoknight 16 days ago

Grenade underthrow

Welcome back! Stellar Forces will probably still be here when the sun burns out. :) If you want, I can send you the details of the Spacenaut login so you can pick up from where you left?
Posted by SteveSmith 17 days ago

Game 53974: SteveSmith, Nanoknight in 'The Assassins'

Well played. The x-ray goggles paid off! ;)
Posted by SteveSmith 17 days ago

Grenade underthrow

Yeah I've had an underthrow like that in the first very few games of that Moonbase Defence map or whatever it's called lol. Btw I'm Spacenaut but I forgot my password and don't think I had a connected e-mail, so here I am again after a long hiatus :P Nice to see Stellar Forces is still a thing
Posted by Nanoknight 17 days ago

Incendiary Grenades

I've just had a look, and units are wounded by half the APs that they spend when on fire, not the same amount. It looks like I changed that line of code in 2019, but I must have forgotten I did it.
Posted by SteveSmith 22 days ago

Incendiary Grenades

This is a Colonisation 4 game from a while back. Odd no 4 HP damage. Sure I can find other examples because as I&#39;ve said I&#39;ve noticed it a fair few times. Should have brought it up before but never got round to it.<br /><br />[Enter 02 May 2024 19:30 (Turn 10, Side 3): Unit Clone 9 (Gooey Blob&#39;s #9) has been caught in fire and wounded 1!<br />02 May 2024 19:30 (Turn 10, Side 3): Unit Clone 9 (Gooey Blob&#39;s #9) has been caught in fire and wounded 1!<br />02 May 2024 19:30 (Turn 10, Side 3): Unit Clone 9 (Gooey Blob&#39;s #9) has been caught in fire and wounded 1!<br />02 May 2024 19:30 (Turn 10, Side 3): Unit Clone 9 (Gooey Blob&#39;s #9) has been caught in fire and wounded 3!<br />02 May 2024 19:30 (Turn 10, Side 3): Unit Clone 9 (Gooey Blob&#39;s #9) has been caught in fire and wounded 3!<br />02 May 2024 19:30 (Turn 10, Side 3): Unit Clone 9 (Gooey Blob&#39;s #9) has been caught in fire and wounded 1!<br />02 May 2024 19:30 (Turn 10, Side 3): Unit Clone 9 (Gooey Blob&#39;s #9) has been caught in fire and wounded 2!<br />02 May 2024 19:30 (Turn 10, Side 3): Unit Clone 9 (Gooey Blob&#39;s #9) has been caught in fire and wounded 2!<br />02 May 2024 19:30 (Turn 10, Side 3): Unit Clone 9 (Gooey Blob&#39;s #9) has been caught in fire and wounded 2! here]
Posted by xeno 22 days ago

Incendiary Grenades

That is strange. Maybe the playback at the end of the game might give some clues.
Posted by SteveSmith 22 days ago

Incendiary Grenades

The current Capture The Flag for example but seen it previously.<br /><br /><br />[Enter 30 Jun 2024 16:52 (Turn 8): Unit Clone 7 (Dijon_p&#39;s #7) has been caught in fire and wounded 1!<br />30 Jun 2024 16:52 (Turn 8): Unit Clone 7 (Dijon_p&#39;s #7) has been caught in fire and wounded 2!<br />30 Jun 2024 16:52 (Turn 8): Unit Clone 7 (Dijon_p&#39;s #7) has been caught in fire and wounded 2!<br />30 Jun 2024 16:52 (Turn 8): Unit Clone 7 (Dijon_p&#39;s #7) has been caught in fire and wounded 2!<br />30 Jun 2024 16:52 (Turn 8): Unit Clone 7 (Dijon_p&#39;s #7) has been caught in fire and wounded 2!<br />30 Jun 2024 16:52 (Turn 8): Unit Clone 7 (Dijon_p&#39;s #7) has been caught in fire and wounded 2!<br />30 Jun 2024 16:52 (Turn 8): Unit Clone 7 (Dijon_p&#39;s #7) has been caught in fire and wounded 2!<br />30 Jun 2024 16:52 (Turn 8): Unit Clone 7 (Dijon_p&#39;s #7) has been caught in fire and wounded 2!<br />30 Jun 2024 16:52 (Turn 8): Unit Clone 7 (Dijon_p&#39;s #7) has been caught in fire and wounded 2!<br />30 Jun 2024 16:52 (Turn 8): Unit Clone 7 (Dijon_p&#39;s #7) has been caught in fire and wounded 2!<br />30 Jun 2024 16:52 (Turn 8): Unit Clone 7 (Dijon_p&#39;s #7) has been caught in fire and wounded 1! here]
Posted by xeno 23 days ago

Incendiary Grenades

Which game?
Posted by SteveSmith 23 days ago

Incendiary Grenades

Okay thanks Steve but why do I see on the log two damage constantly instead of four. If someone is walking while on fire it should be four but always seems to be two. Noticed this for a while.
Posted by xeno 23 days ago

Incendiary Grenades

Hi Xeno, nothing has changed in that area for years. AFAICR, however many APs get used, that is how much damage is incurred when on fire.
Posted by SteveSmith 23 days ago

Incendiary Grenades

When did moving while on fire change from 4 health damage to 2 damage? I always thought 4 was the usual damage but I&#39;ve seen this a lot now, only 2. That is way too low, less than nerve gas.
Posted by xeno 24 days ago

Incendiary Grenades

When did moving while on fire change from 4 health damage to 2 damage? I always thought 4 was the usual damage but I&#39;ve seen this a lot now, only 2. That is way too low, less than nerve gas.
Posted by xeno 24 days ago

Game 53889: RABID, Dijon_p, SammuS, petermock in 'Underground Meltdown'

I realised that. Why did I leave it there, doh!
Posted by Dijon_p 25 days ago

Game 53889: RABID, Dijon_p, SammuS, petermock in 'Underground Meltdown'

Thanks! Stealing that Death Grenade was the turning point.
Posted by RABID 28 days ago

Game 53889: RABID, Dijon_p, SammuS, petermock in 'Underground Meltdown'

Well that felt like a slow death! Well played Rabid.
Posted by Dijon_p 28 days ago

Game 53851: Dijon_p, Chris1977, petermock, Socrates in 'Egg Collector'

That&#39;s cool Steve, thanks! Dijon had a very well deserved and fair win.<br />I actually thought you didn&#39;t need to drop eggs out of an area, just carry them away to remove points. Nice you checked that!<br />Cheers!
Posted by Socrates 28 days ago

Game 53851: Dijon_p, Chris1977, petermock, Socrates in 'Egg Collector'

Thank you Steve! I&#39;ll set up a new game if anyone wants to join...
Posted by Dijon_p 28 days ago

Game 53851: Dijon_p, Chris1977, petermock, Socrates in 'Egg Collector'

I&#39;ve had a look, and there was an issue. When a unit picked up an egg, it was still storing the egg&#39;s position where it originally was (at least until the unit dropped the egg) and it wasn&#39;t checking if the egg was being carried. I&#39;ve fixed it now, and the VPs look more correct.
Posted by SteveSmith 29 days ago

Game 53851: Dijon_p, Chris1977, petermock, Socrates in 'Egg Collector'

Thanks Steve. I had dropped seven eggs giving me 35 points but on the last go Socrates picked up two of them, and also walked out of my &#39;pen&#39;, I think. So really my score should have reduced to 25 points.
Posted by Dijon_p 29 days ago

Game 53851: Dijon_p, Chris1977, petermock, Socrates in 'Egg Collector'

I&#39;ll have a look and see if there&#39;s anything obvious. Had the eggs been dropped?
Posted by SteveSmith 29 days ago

Game 53866: RABID, Dijon_p, petermock, Chris1977 in 'Colonization 4 - Pleasure Dome'

Better played by you, obvs Dijon! Um-ing and ah-ing about joining that underground one - on the one hand, I&#39;m intrigued; on the other, I&#39;d prefer for my league points not to take another massive hit...
Posted by Chris1977 30 days ago

Game 53866: RABID, Dijon_p, petermock, Chris1977 in 'Colonization 4 - Pleasure Dome'

Well played Chris! I do enjoy these Colonization games and this one is particularly tricky due to the lack of resources.
Posted by Dijon_p 30 days ago

Game 53851: Dijon_p, Chris1977, petermock, Socrates in 'Egg Collector'

Thanks! I agree if you removed 2 eggs then my score should have reduced to 25, still a win for me in this game but could change the outcome in other games. Steve, are you able to look at this?
Posted by Dijon_p 30 days ago

Game 53866: RABID, Dijon_p, petermock, Chris1977 in 'Colonization 4 - Pleasure Dome'

Runner-up on my first ever &quot;proper&quot;* Colonization game - I&#39;m well &#39;appy with that!<br /><br />* I&#39;ve only played as Aliens before.
Posted by Chris1977 31 days ago

Game 53851: Dijon_p, Chris1977, petermock, Socrates in 'Egg Collector'

Surely that should, even on the last turn? Maybe something for Steve to look at.
Posted by xeno 31 days ago

Game 53851: Dijon_p, Chris1977, petermock, Socrates in 'Egg Collector'

This was really a fun one! I even managed to steal from you, Dijon, 2 eggs and removed them from your area, but this was on the very last turn, so it didn&#39;t reduce them from the points you had! :D congrats on the win!
Posted by Socrates 31 days ago

Game 53851: Dijon_p, Chris1977, petermock, Socrates in 'Egg Collector'

Agreed, having the most eggs only counts as long as you have at least one unit alive. I just had to hide my last man and cross my fingers. Great game!
Posted by Dijon_p 36 days ago

Game 53851: Dijon_p, Chris1977, petermock, Socrates in 'Egg Collector'

That was closer than I thought - I hadn&#39;t sussed that you, like I, only had one unit left by the end, Dijon! Extra well done to you, and good game, all.
Posted by Chris1977 36 days ago

Game 53868: Chris1977, Fearful Mike in 'Alien Escape'

That was quite close for a time - looks like I might have a new sparring partner! Want to pick another mission for us to go head-to-head in...?
Posted by Chris1977 38 days ago

New Patron!

Thanks a lot to Chris1977 who recently became the latest SF Patron! Their contribution helps keep SF running, and it&#39;s much appreciated. Cheers Chris!
Posted by SteveSmith 51 days ago

Game 53829: Chris1977, SammuS in 'F.L.A.G. Heist'

Your man Broom - what a hero he was towards the end...!<br /><br />Happy to have another match-up in a mission of your choosing.
Posted by Chris1977 67 days ago

Game 53736: xeno, hansolo, petermock, RABID in 'Underground Capture the Flag'

Cheers Pete. Yes that game could well be a draw. Don&#39;t think I&#39;ve ever won it, although it is a relatively new mission.
Posted by xeno 68 days ago

Game 53736: xeno, hansolo, petermock, RABID in 'Underground Capture the Flag'

Underground flag I never win these days. Every strategy I try seems to fail as we get into the middle phase. Fun though, I&#39;ll keep persevering with dastardly plans...Mutley sniggering in the background...:)))
Posted by petermock 68 days ago

Game 53736: xeno, hansolo, petermock, RABID in 'Underground Capture the Flag'

Game I was thinking of still in play!!!
Posted by petermock 68 days ago

Game 53736: xeno, hansolo, petermock, RABID in 'Underground Capture the Flag'

Posted by petermock 68 days ago

Game 53736: xeno, hansolo, petermock, RABID in 'Underground Capture the Flag'

Forget wgphat I said, got 2 games muddled up! : )
Posted by petermock 68 days ago

Game 53736: xeno, hansolo, petermock, RABID in 'Underground Capture the Flag'

Congrats Xeno! First time I&#39;ve played that particular mission. I wasn&#39;t sure which way to take flags. Back to your own base?
Posted by petermock 68 days ago

Game 53736: xeno, hansolo, petermock, RABID in 'Underground Capture the Flag'

Thanks Rabid, first time I won that for ages. I remembered to take it to the right side this time!
Posted by xeno 68 days ago

Game 53736: xeno, hansolo, petermock, RABID in 'Underground Capture the Flag'

great game xeno, well played!
Posted by RABID 68 days ago

Game 53797: Chris1977, SammuS in 'The Angels of Death'

Thanks for the game. The key when your units are Angels is to use the smoke to try and manoeuvre yourself into a position where you&#39;re in the square next to an enemy unit and no-one is looking at you, thereby allowing you to attack. Of course, it&#39;s purely a matter of luck where the smoke will be on each of your turns, so if you can form a kind of ring aound the enemy that will maximise your chances of successfully taking an opportunity if and when it arises.
Posted by Chris1977 71 days ago

Game 53818: hansolo, Chris1977 in 'Superhuman: Moonbase Assault'

Well done, Chris, your tactics were good
Posted by hansolo 71 days ago

Game 53818: hansolo, Chris1977 in 'Superhuman: Moonbase Assault'

Phew! If ever I needed proof that I needed to bring my very A-est of games in order to defeat you, my recent contrasting fortunes in &quot;Sigma 7&quot; and this game have provided it in spades! You, sir (at least, I&#39;m assuming from your username that you&#39;re a &quot;sir&quot;), have rapidly established yourself as one tricky customer...
Posted by Chris1977 71 days ago

Game 53819: hansolo, Chris1977 in 'Superhuman: Defend the Base'

I dunno...there were a fair few tactical blunders along the way, starting with who had what dies and learns... :-)
Posted by Chris1977 72 days ago

Game 53820: hansolo, Chris1977 in 'Battle for Sigma 7'

I&#39;d rather say that you cannot resist temptation of a challenge:)
Posted by hansolo 72 days ago

Game 53819: hansolo, Chris1977 in 'Superhuman: Defend the Base'

Well played, Chris, you did the best that you could do.
Posted by hansolo 72 days ago

Game 53820: hansolo, Chris1977 in 'Battle for Sigma 7'

Just give me half a day or so to equip and deploy. Then. It. Is. ON, Solo...!!!
Posted by Chris1977 72 days ago

Game 53820: hansolo, Chris1977 in 'Battle for Sigma 7'

Glutton for punishment, me...
Posted by Chris1977 72 days ago

Game 53819: hansolo, Chris1977 in 'Superhuman: Defend the Base'

I just KNEW you were prepping a two-pronged attack there - all I could do, being unable to guard both doorways effectively at once, was stay put and hope I heard you before you struck...which I didn&#39;t...
Posted by Chris1977 72 days ago

Game 53791: Chris1977, SammuS in 'Moonbase Assault 2'

Good game; cheers. Heavy casualties on both sides (quite a few of them deliberately self-inflicted by me)!
Posted by Chris1977 74 days ago

Game 53801: xeno, RABID, petermock, Socrates in 'Laboratory Attack 2v2'

I feel kind of lonely. :(
Posted by xeno 78 days ago

Game 53747: RABID, xeno, Socrates, Chris1977 in 'F.L.A.G. Heist 4-Player'

Go, that dude So-crates...! ;-)
Posted by Chris1977 80 days ago

Game 53796: RABID, petermock in 'The Assassins'

lucky shot! I opportunity fired a rocket at your man, missed, and hit Sterner instead!
Posted by RABID 81 days ago

Game 53796: RABID, petermock in 'The Assassins'

Er fuck! :) Well played? Definitely:)))
Posted by petermock 82 days ago

Game 53786: xeno, SammuS, RABID, petermock in 'A Tale of Two Bases 2v2'

Very keen, I like enthusiasm:)))
Posted by petermock 83 days ago

Game 53786: xeno, SammuS, RABID, petermock in 'A Tale of Two Bases 2v2'

Posted by petermock 84 days ago

Game 53786: xeno, SammuS, RABID, petermock in 'A Tale of Two Bases 2v2'

Oh dear, you picked a right psycho team mate Pete. :D
Posted by xeno 84 days ago

Game 53722: RABID, petermock in 'The Blob Assassins'

Yep I agree, tough for the human side. I don&#39;t think I&#39;ve ever won yet.
Posted by petermock 84 days ago

Game 53722: RABID, petermock in 'The Blob Assassins'

It?s a hard win for the humans. You did some damage on those early turns though.
Posted by RABID 84 days ago

Game 53786: xeno, SammuS, RABID, petermock in 'A Tale of Two Bases 2v2'

Sam why are you killing all my men? We are on the same side. Only got 1 man left.
Posted by petermock 84 days ago

Game 53722: RABID, petermock in 'The Blob Assassins'

Fun game. Unfortunately my crew apart from 1 man all had appallingly low shot stats so armed them with grenades. Ran out of chuckables pretty quickly.
Posted by petermock 84 days ago

Game 53760: xeno, hansolo, Gooey Blob, Chris1977 in 'Moonbase Assault 2v2'

Fine by me, thanks, but let&#39;s wait and see if we can get a majority in favour...
Posted by Chris1977 85 days ago

Game 53760: xeno, hansolo, Gooey Blob, Chris1977 in 'Moonbase Assault 2v2'

I&#39;ll do a rematch and swop sides if anyone wants?
Posted by xeno 85 days ago

Game 53760: xeno, hansolo, Gooey Blob, Chris1977 in 'Moonbase Assault 2v2'

Thanks for the game, Chris, cheers
Posted by hansolo 86 days ago

Game 53760: xeno, hansolo, Gooey Blob, Chris1977 in 'Moonbase Assault 2v2'

Well, I held off the inevitable as long as I could after my teammate&#39;s valiant efforts to improve our lot were similarly unsuccessful ultimately! Good game, all - cheers.
Posted by Chris1977 86 days ago

Game 53780: hansolo, Chris1977 in 'Battle for Sigma 7'

Close one, that - could have gone either way - but well done for clinching it.
Posted by Chris1977 89 days ago

Game 53760: xeno, hansolo, Gooey Blob, Chris1977 in 'Moonbase Assault 2v2'

Glad that worked, I was worried there might be issues like not having any creds or everyone elses equipment going missing. Looks like my 10+ year old code is still working well. :)
Posted by SteveSmith 92 days ago

Game 53760: xeno, hansolo, Gooey Blob, Chris1977 in 'Moonbase Assault 2v2'

Great stuff; thanks again, Steve. :-) It looks like everyone/thing else is unaffected by this rollback (certainly including my and xeno&#39;s deployment/mpvements), so hopefully a delay in proceedings of a couple of days will be the worst the other players will experience. Will re-equip and get going again ASAP; am also thinking a financial reward from me for everything you do for the SF community is long overdue...
Posted by Chris1977 93 days ago

Game 53760: xeno, hansolo, Gooey Blob, Chris1977 in 'Moonbase Assault 2v2'

Okay, I&#39;ve reverted it back to the equip stage. Let me know of any issues, as sometimes it does get a bit confused when reverting a mission back a stage. Fingers crossed. :)
Posted by SteveSmith 93 days ago

Game 53760: xeno, hansolo, Gooey Blob, Chris1977 in 'Moonbase Assault 2v2'

(@hansolo, do you want to get that other moonbase-y game - thr one I&#39;ve invited you to - underway in the meantime, or would you prefer not to risk getting your moonbases mixed up...?!)
Posted by Chris1977 93 days ago

Game 53760: xeno, hansolo, Gooey Blob, Chris1977 in 'Moonbase Assault 2v2'

That appears to be a majority in favour, so go ahead, Steve - and many thanks!
Posted by Chris1977 93 days ago

Game 53760: xeno, hansolo, Gooey Blob, Chris1977 in 'Moonbase Assault 2v2'

Posted by Gooey Blob 93 days ago

Game 53760: xeno, hansolo, Gooey Blob, Chris1977 in 'Moonbase Assault 2v2'

Roll back to the equip phase is okay with me. I know what my four were equipped with so can do it quick. And I suppose it can give people a rethink on what they equipped with and make a change if they want.
Posted by xeno 94 days ago

Game 53760: xeno, hansolo, Gooey Blob, Chris1977 in 'Moonbase Assault 2v2'

I mean the webpage for that game; sorry for the sloppy terminology. It does sound like I managed to overwrite my selections somehow...<br /><br />Anyway, as to what to do about it, given that there are three other people affected, I think we should take a vote: to roll back or not to roll back, folks?
Posted by Chris1977 94 days ago

Game 53760: xeno, hansolo, Gooey Blob, Chris1977 in 'Moonbase Assault 2v2'

* When I say &quot;fixes it&quot;, it will still mean you having to re-equip, but sometimes it can cause that particular game to get itself a bit confused. Better than nothing though. :)
Posted by SteveSmith 94 days ago

Game 53760: xeno, hansolo, Gooey Blob, Chris1977 in 'Moonbase Assault 2v2'

BTW, when you say &quot;webapp&quot;, do you mean the Android app, or the PC client?
Posted by SteveSmith 94 days ago

Game 53760: xeno, hansolo, Gooey Blob, Chris1977 in 'Moonbase Assault 2v2'

Hi Chris, bad news I&#39;m afraid, there&#39;s no db records of any equipment for your units (as I suspected, otherwise it would show them) so nothing I can do directly. Do you want me to revert the game back to the equip stage and see if that fixes it? I might as well as you can&#39;t really play unarmed.
Posted by SteveSmith 94 days ago

Game 53760: xeno, hansolo, Gooey Blob, Chris1977 in 'Moonbase Assault 2v2'

Based on my form you are still likely to win if unarmed.
Posted by Gooey Blob 94 days ago

Game 53766: Dijon_p, Chris1977 in 'All Seeing Eye'

I was a bit lucky, that&#39;s for sure. Maybe he was a bit stunned by the grenade.
Posted by Dijon_p 94 days ago

Game 53760: xeno, hansolo, Gooey Blob, Chris1977 in 'Moonbase Assault 2v2'

Right you are, Steve; cheers. :-)
Posted by Chris1977 94 days ago

Game 53760: xeno, hansolo, Gooey Blob, Chris1977 in 'Moonbase Assault 2v2'

Hi Chris, I&#39;ll have a look, but I might struggle to have time tonight, it might well be tommorow morning. Leave it with me and I&#39;ll see what I can find.
Posted by SteveSmith 94 days ago

Game 53760: xeno, hansolo, Gooey Blob, Chris1977 in 'Moonbase Assault 2v2'

Steve, help! I spent ages selecting stuff for my guys on the webapp, and it all still seemed to be there when I ran the client in order to deploy them. Now, though, I go to take my first turn and they haven&#39;t got a bean! If this had been a one-to-one, I might have just shrugged and carried on anyway, but doing so here isn&#39;t fair to xeno. Is there any way of restoring my gear without making everyone else restart, or is a rollback the only option?
Posted by Chris1977 94 days ago

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