Game 52811: xeno, petermock, Cpt Fishmonger, RABID in 'A Tale of Two Bases 2v2'
You are here: Stellar Forces > Your Games > Game 52811: xeno, petermock, Cpt Fishmonger, RABID in 'A Tale of Two Bases 2v2'
- We had a plan though it wasn't play so badly as to confuse the enemy or WTF they must be up to something clever...honestly,no! Playback has some comedy moments and it was actually pretty close towards the end.
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petermock 1 years ago [Login to reply]
- I'm not sure what happened in that game, so much nerve gas and incendiary added too. Also I think Rabid tried a charge across the front and ran into all. I'll watch the playback.
Posted by
xeno 1 years ago [Login to reply]
- That can be summed up in one word: chaotic!
I was surprised to see Peter managed to sneak his last player through the front door. It looks like a grenade took out the computer?
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